prototype cards for undersea game

Our new card game is a matching and strategy game about undersea exploration.

Players are researchers on a deep-sea submarine, collecting important data on the creatures of this coral reef. Most of the time, players explore the sea world by turning over two cards and looking for a pair, but watch out for special symbiotic pairs and a tricky octopus that needs 3 photos to make a match!

Using memory skills and the submarine’s special sonar capabilities, players of our new card game will explore the face-down cards of the sea, discovering undersea animals.

prototype cards for undersea game

I’ve been calling it Thalassa, but that’s is a temporary title, because APPARENTLY someone doesn’t think it’s good branding to make obscure classics references in games. (Hint: It’s the same person who said I shouldn’t name Takeout 吃饭了吗, so whatever).